Congressional Place Homeowners Association


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Date: May 07 2024, 10:01 AM
Subject: No Parking signs

Please read the note from the City of Lawrence.

Regarding the NO PARKING signs:

The No Parking signs are part of a City-Wide project called the Crack Seal Program. This is a yearly project that occurs where City contractors scope out streets that have any crack/joint issues and works to treat these for preventative measures so the road doesn’t further deteriorate down the line. The No Parking signs will be utilized for the contractors to park their vehicles to repair the road.

The Crack Seal program is beginning on May 7th and will conclude on June 21st, pending any weather delays. This is a mobile operation and each spot that the City crews will be working in should be completed within a few days of these parking signs being put up. As the signs say that they are from 5/7 to 6/21, this is for the entire scope of the project and not for the duration of time that they will be on Congressional Drive, as they will utilize these same signs for other locations throughout the City. Pending any delays, the No Parking signs that you see in your neighborhood should be removed by the end of the week.

If you have any additional questions on this work taking place, please feel free to send me an email or call me directly and I can assist you further with this.

Thank you,

Steven Smith, Right-of-Way Program Administrator


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